Mission and Purpose

Our mission is to move with the Holy Spirit to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of all people and all cultures in our town, local area, and the world.


Our purpose, as we fulfill our mission, is to LOVE GOD with all of our being, LOVE NEIGHBOR and LOVE EACH OTHER, which is a response of God’s love for us. Because we believe that as we respond to God’s love for us with all that we are, he is good and faithful to lead us down a path of growth and maturity so in the end we are able to love our neighbor and love each other as God loves us, his precious and dearly beloved children.


Our Primary Task

We seek to create arenas where people have significant, life-changing experiences of God through Jesus Christ and where people can and will make a significant difference in the community, the city, and the world.

This is based upon the primary task of the local church as described in paragraph 243 of The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church 2012. The primary task is “reaching out and receiving with joy all who will respond; encouraging people in their relationship with God and inviting them to commitment to God’s love in Jesus Christ; providing opportunities for them to seek strengthening and growth in spiritual formation; and supporting them to live lovingly and justly in the power of the Holy Spirit as faithful disciples.

Learn more about United Methodist theology and beliefs