Since Northern Hills began in 1960 a value on impacting those in our community and those within our four walls has been of utmost priority. Making disciples for the transformation of the world does not end when one affirms a saving relationship with God through Jesus. It continues as a life long path of learning as individuals and as a corporate body of Christ. This is accomplished through reaching out to our community through regular events and programs, but also intentional disciple making through our regular programs and events for those that call Northern Hills home. 

Children’s Ministries

On Sunday we offer a Children’s Sunday School class during our Sunday morning service, which are facilitated by our loving volunteers. Throughout the year we offer various moments of outreach and growth in faith through our Easter egg hunt, Breakfast with Santa, monthly events, and Bell Choir. These will be discussed in more detail in ‘Outreach and Service Ministries’.

During these times we offer bible study, prayer, a loving example of what it means to follow Jesus, and a dedication to faithful and intentional growth for a life long goal of faith in our children and the children that attend these programs. As they grow we encourage service within the church and outside because we believe that works of mercy through service is also apart of our growth process.

Adult Ministries

We offer currently a variety of encouragement and growth in our adults faithful walk with Christ. On Sunday’s we offer an Adult Sunday School, a worship service at 10am, a Small Group on Tuesday’s (as we grow these areas will continue to grow as well), and our Adult Choir and Bell Choir.

We also encourage in our adults growth through an active devotional life. This is through encouragement through personal devotions that John Wesley describes as Means of Grace in the area of works of piety. But this practice of piety is also offered in maintaining the health of self and individual. One such class is our Aerobics class that meets on Wednesday’s.

As these works of piety are important we cannot neglect our works of mercy. Through service and outreach the Holy Spirit through acts of grace moves us ever further towards holiness that helps us as individuals, and as the body of Christ work towards a goal of us reflecting Jesus more then we reflect ourselves, this is discussed further below.

Outreach and Service Ministries

Through out the year we offer various opportunities for works of mercy so we may grow as believers and share the good news with our community. Throughout the year we serve the community through an Easter Egg Hunt, Greek Festival Parking, Breakfast with Santa, Christmas gifts and household supplies to families at Winton Hills Academy, monthly youth and children events, and providing weekend meals of breakfast and lunch to a local school to help those students and families that can be aided by a little extra help. These are great ways that God moves in our community as we partner with those within our community.

Here are some additional areas that we partner with our community:


Kids Clothing Closet

On the second Wednesday of every month from 3pm – 6pm we have a Kids Clothing Closet. We offer gently used kids clothing from birth to size 16 that is free of charge to those who are in need of a little extra help. We know by clothing those in who need a little extra help we are being the hands and feet of Jesus to our community.



Weekend Meals

During the school season we anonymously, happily supply 10-20, depending on the need, meals for students to have over the weekend in the Finneytown Local School District. Loving our Neighbor is of utmost importance to us at Northern Hills UMC and this is one way we are able to express the love we have for God by sharing that same love with our neighbor.

English As Second Language (ESL) Classes

Classes vary through the week and month as the schedules of the students to fluctuate periodically.  If you are interested in learning more, helping, or participating please contact the church office for more information.

Evangelical Gilgal Church

The Evangelical Gilgal Church is a mission of Northern Hills United Methodist Church.  They meet on Sundays at 12:30pm for prayer, worship, and study.  On the last Sunday of the month they have a community meal.  They also provide Sunday School for youth and children.  This church is comprised of Congolese from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and all services are in Kinyarwandan.

We also support two community assistant and food pantries in the area:

Valley Interfaith

To learn more about Valley Interfaith go to:


Mt. Healthy Alliance

To learn more about Mt. Healthy Alliance go to: